Not only is Found One Apparel based on that story, but that’s my story as well. Though I have been a Christian for most of my life, I wandered for quite some time and became very lost. I hit every rock on the way down and probably a few on the bottom. But God never stopped coming for me. He picked me up, put me over His shoulders and brought me back. He showed me His true love and grace. He showed me I was still worthy. This is what has sparked our brand and why this story resonates so much with us as a company and individuals.
Our vision is to produce premium quality Christian clothing that is truly set apart from the crowd. Because of who we follow, we believe we should do everything to highest standard, in order to glorify God to the best of our ability. Because of that belief, we take great pride in offering the best quality pieces that we possibly can. We aim to give you fashionable Christian clothing with an elevated fit and feel. We have our hands on every piece at every step of the process. If we wouldn't wear it, we wouldn't expect you to. We want you to be not only proud of the message you are wearing, but also the clothing it's on as well.
Join us in effort to spread the good news of Jesus to other lost sheep.
~ Brent Peeples
Co-Founder, Found One Apparel